Fireplace brick paint

Guide to Fireplace Painting Part #3: Step-by-Step Instructions

Dingy red brick was groovy in the 1970s, but today, not so much. It's time to get rid of that ugly brick once and for all and give your fireplace a facelift with paint!

Chalk Painting Furniture Upcycling 2020 2021

11 Chalk Paint Influencers Guaranteed To Inspire You

Whether you're planning to chalk paint your fireplace, your mantel, your surrounding furniture, or all the above, we've collected some of the best online resources to give you the knowledge and inspiration you need before you begin your project. Here's a list of our favorite chalk painting bloggers, influencers, and experts:   1. Annie Sloan […]

partially painted fireplace

Guide to Fireplace Painting Part #2: Colors and Techniques

Dingy red brick was groovy in the 1970s, but today, not so much. It's time to get rid of that ugly brick once and for all and give your fireplace a facelift with paint!

Modern Fireplace

A Fireplace Makeover: The Newest Trend in Home Improvement

In this article from the Houston Chronicle, the editors talk to multiple interior designers and contractors. The topic? The modern fireplace and how common it is requested in home improvement. These experts agreed, "homeowners rarely call asking about a new fireplace, but when they suggest including it in big-room makeovers, the results are game changers." […]

Brick Fireplace Painted Mural

A Symbol of Hope Born from Ashes

The devastating fireplaces in Paradise, California last November left Shane Edwards without a home.  His friend, an artist, asked if he could paint a mural on what was left of the brick chimney to show that there is beauty in the face of devastation.  Check out the inspirational painting, a symbol of hope and faith. […]

A Fireplace Whitewash Transformation: Giani Brick Paint

Giani Brick Transformations Brick Whitewashing Kit Page Contents Giani Brick Transformations Brick Whitewashing KitWhat Do You Get in the Kit?How Do You Whitewash a Brick Fireplace?Customer Feedback - The Good and the BadAreas Where You Should NOT Use Giani Whitewash PaintShould I Whitewash My Brick Fireplace? Are you ready to change the look of your […]


How To Paint The Inside Of A Fireplace For An Updated Look

If you're tired of looking at the mess of dirty ashes and soot stains in your fireplace, it might be about time to do some home improvement and update your firebox with a fresh coat of paint. Here's how you can quickly give your firebox a fresh, new look.

How To Whitewash A Brick Fireplace

Dull, dark outdated brick can ruin the look of your entire room.  With the recent trend of light, bright and white decorating, there’s no room for a bright red brick wall or a dark brown brick fireplace from the 1970’s. So what’s a homeowner to do? Tear down the offending structure and spend thousands of […]

Brick-Anew Fireplace Painting: The Stunning Natural Brick Look

Lots of homeowners are turning to paint to brighten their dark, outdated brick. Did you know you can use paint and keep a real brick look? The Brick-Anew fireplace paint kit makes it easy to get a new, lighter look for your brick, but it doesn't look like you just slapped on a can of […]

How to Style Your Fireplace into a Cozy Spot

You’ve finally remodeled your outdated fireplace and now you’ve got a beautiful focal point for your room.  But you style the mantel with the same old accessories you had before or is it time to think outside the box a little and really make your fireplace stand out? Before you go back to the […]

White Painted Fireplace Brick

Fireplace Brick Painting With Latex or Oil Based Paint

If you want a quick change for your fireplace brick, a coat of oil based paint is a cost effective way to get a brand new look.  Painting over a drab outdated brick fireplace gives an instant facelift with dramatic results. And the best part it that there’s no experience necessary for this simple project. […]

Whitewashed Fireplace

The Differences Between Whitewash and Limewash Paint

After spending endless hours on Pinterest scrolling through beautiful before/after pictures of painted fireplaces, you’ve finally decided to take the plunge and remodel your fireplace with paint.  Now you’ve got another decision to make. Do you want a whitewash fireplace or a limewash fireplace? What’s the difference in whitewash and limewash anyway? To put it […]

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